As we enter the season of colds, fall allergens, and school germs, how do you know if your child needs to be seen by a doctor for pink eye? Let’s start by defining pink eye or conjunctivitis. Pink eye/conjunctivitis means that your eye is irritated or inflamed. If you have pink eye, you may experience …
Does your child have a dry, red, itchy, or scaley rash on their skin? This could be Eczema, also known as Atopic Dermatitis. Eczema is common in children; anywhere from five to twenty percent of children worldwide have Eczema. What does Eczema look and feel like? Eczema is a red or pink rash on the …
With the increased use of electronic devices and light-up toys in households comes an unintentional safety hazard for families with small children. Button batteries are small, coin-shaped batteries used in many gadgets and can pose a significant threat to young children. They can be found in toys, hearing aids, watches, calculators, remote-control devices, etc. Button …
As we welcome summer, we welcome some unwanted guests – mosquitoes! Read along to see how you can still have fun outside and enjoy the warm weather while avoiding those pesky mosquitoes. Some fun facts you may not know about mosquitoes are that only female mosquitoes bite humans. In contrast, male mosquitoes prefer flower nectar …
Summer is great for enjoying water activities like the lake, swim team, and pool parties. All that increased water exposure brings fun and can occasionally bring ear trouble with it. Parkside Pediatrics is always here to help! Here is what you need to know: What is a swimmer’s ear, and when should we go to …
Out of 38 snake species in South Carolina, only 6 are venomous – the coral snake, eastern diamondback rattlesnake, timber (or canebrake) rattlesnake, pigmy rattlesnake, copperhead, and cottonmouth snakes. The copperhead snake is the most common. You may have heard the rhyme “Red touch yellow, kill a fellow, red touch black, venom lack.” The saying …
Hey, moms, dads, grandparents, and caregivers who are starting to think about how to keep your kiddos entertained this summer! We are so lucky to live in the upstate. We are blessed with many opportunities for fun to help make summer a little more magical. As always, we know that collectively, our kiddos are different, …
Fun Rainy Day/Cold Weather Activities for Kids Indoor Treasure Hunt: Create a treasure map and hide small prizes or treats around the house. Let the kids follow the clues to find the hidden treasures. Arts and Crafts: Get out the craft supplies and let kids get creative. They can make greeting cards, paint, draw, …
“Summer is over???” Many of you are thinking as August seems to be rolling in like a train with no breaks. Don’t be fooled, we here at Parkside feel the Exact. Same. Way. but we do have a few helpful tips for you and your family as you embark on another school year… Parkside’s Tips …
Like many parts of our body, the tonsils are small organs that we don’t often think about. That is, until something goes wrong… Located on either side of the back of our throats (usually visualized as a pair of oval-shaped lumps of tissue when we ask your child to “open wide”), the tonsils act as …