As we welcome summer, we welcome some unwanted guests – mosquitoes! Read along to see how you can still have fun outside and enjoy the warm weather while avoiding those pesky mosquitoes. Some fun facts you may not know about mosquitoes are that only female mosquitoes bite humans. In contrast, male mosquitoes prefer flower nectar …
Summer is great for enjoying water activities like the lake, swim team, and pool parties. All that increased water exposure brings fun and can occasionally bring ear trouble with it. Parkside Pediatrics is always here to help! Here is what you need to know: What is a swimmer’s ear, and when should we go to …
Out of 38 snake species in South Carolina, only 6 are venomous – the coral snake, eastern diamondback rattlesnake, timber (or canebrake) rattlesnake, pigmy rattlesnake, copperhead, and cottonmouth snakes. The copperhead snake is the most common. You may have heard the rhyme “Red touch yellow, kill a fellow, red touch black, venom lack.” The saying …
Hey, moms, dads, grandparents, and caregivers who are starting to think about how to keep your kiddos entertained this summer! We are so lucky to live in the upstate. We are blessed with many opportunities for fun to help make summer a little more magical. As always, we know that collectively, our kiddos are different, …
Warts. Many of us likely had them as a child. Many of us still likely have no idea what they are or why they show up on our children’s hands, feet, and everywhere in between. These undesirable skin growths have been around forever. They are caused by a virus that is very good at survival, …
Spiders and humans have one thing in common—they like to avoid each other! For this reason, harmful bites from spiders are, thankfully, very rare. In the upstate, spiders are numerous but only a handful are potentially harmful. The two types of potentially harmful spiders in North America, and therefore the Upstate, are the infamous black …
Well Care Visits The summer is a great time to prioritize preventative care. Call us to schedule an annual check up today! Sun Protection Apply, and re-apply, sunscreen (for children 6 months+). Utilize hats, sunglasses, and tight weave clothing whenever possible. Water Safety Awareness Be conscious of your surroundings and never leave your child unattended …
In hopes to get your family the most accurate information, we updated this post on February 17, 2021… Adding to the stress and anxiety that the COVID-19 pandemic brings to all of our lives, several cases of MIS-C have been confirmed in our beloved state of South Carolina. And, as of February 1st, there have …
Swimmer’s Ear is a common problem during the summer months, especially this summer when the pool can be our only saving grace to keep our kids active and happy during a pandemic. Swimmer’s ear, or Otitis Externa, is an infection of the ear canal. It occurs when water is left in the ear canal, creating …
The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays of the year. I love to grill out, embrace the summer heat, and enjoy a late night with those I hold dear. In the current climate that is heavily clouded with Covid-19, it is hard to know if celebrating any holiday with family and friends …
Coronavirus: Socializing Safely this 4th of July Read More »